Petrobras Discovers Oil in Brazil’s Amazon and Espirito Santos Basins

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) reported Thursday the discovery of a new oil and gas accumulation in the Amazon Basin, Block AM-T-84 in Brazil.

The discovery was made while drilling well 1-BRSA-1293-AM (ANP nomenclature), informally known as Jusante do Aneba. Well drilling reached the total depth of 6,693 feet ( 2,040 meters).

Preliminary well tests have confirmed the presence of light oil (API 47 degree) and gas in arenaceous reservoirs, extending from 4,429 feet (1,350 meters) to 6,233 feet (1,900 meters) deep.

Petrobras is the operator of the concession (60 percent), in partnership with Petrogal Brasil (40 percent).

The consortium will proceed with activities to evaluate the oil and gas bearing reservoirs through a cased-hole drill-stem test.

Separately, Petrobras also announced Thursday the discovery of an onshore oil accumulation in Espirito Santo Basin in Brazil.

The discovery was made by drilling wild cat well 1-BRSA-1302-ES (ANP nomenclature), informally known as Guayacan. This well comprises the Discovery Evaluation Plan (PAD) of Tabebuia and is located some 74.5 miles (120 kilometers) from the city of Vitoria.

Reservoirs are located at 2,333 feet (711 meters) deep and well drilling reached 4,304 feet (1,312 meters).

Petrobras is the operator and detains 100 percent of exploratory block ES-T-495. The discovery will be evaluated by formation tests, as part of the Evaluation Plan’s exploratory program.

Fuente: Petrobras

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